This statement relates to the financial year ending 2026. As our business has a turnover of less than £36 million, we do not have a legal obligation to produce a modern slavery statement, however:
To that end, we confirm that we have examined our own business and, to the extent that it is reasonably practicable, businesses within our supply chain, and we confirm the following:
Splash Projects delivers leadership and management training through community projects for corporate clients and business schools. We task participants with building equipment or infrastructure for a charity or organisation in need, within a tight timeframe. The projects range from play facilities for underprivileged children to sensory gardens for people with disabilities. Participants learn how to operate as a team and to step up as individuals. Under the watchful eye of highly skilled Splash Project managers, the participants deliver a high-quality, life-changing product; life-changing for the charity’s clients and life-changing for the company’s teams.
We employ eight staff, predominantly in Exmouth, UK, which include company directors, project managers, designers and administrative staff, with an accounts manager in Italy. In addition, we have around 50 contractors, mainly based in the UK with further contractors based in Europe.
We operate worldwide and have carried out projects in the UK, Europe, the USA, Canada, India, China, South East Asia, Africa and Australia.
Our supply chain currently includes timber, building and tools merchants and independent suppliers of educational and play resources and caterers. We use CP Shipping in Exeter which delivers our timber. All our suppliers are based in the UK and western Europe.
We understand that certain industry sectors and geographical regions entail greater risk of exploitation than others. We do not believe that our supply chain is in one of those sectors. Where it is reasonably practicable, we ensure that businesses in our supply chain have made a similar statement relating to slavery and human trafficking. We encourage all our employees to report any matters relating to slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains.
Updated 26th March 2025
© 2024 Splash Projects Limited
Registered in England No 03906474