Fifteen years of ‘Big Build’ Splash Projects

Santander Consumer Finance UK | Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School

Santander Consumer Finance UK’s 15th Anniversary Big Build Splash Project 

“We’re enabling communities to feel seen and valued, leaving a lasting impression of happiness, joy and enrichment. I love being part of a company that encourages this year on year.” 

This comment from Santander Consumer Finance UK employee, Terri Weale, doesn’t just sum up this year’s Big Build Splash Project, but all fifteen. 

No more is this sentiment brought to life than in the memorial garden at Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School in Horsham, the beneficiary of their project this summer. Because, sometimes the school loses children. And while its memorial garden has long been a place of sanctuary, until now, there was nowhere for their loved ones to sit in this precious space. 

Through its Splash Projects – which have benefited thousands of people in-need and value more than £1.2 million – the company has pledged its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility, because it knows business can help and should help.  

High-performing teams

Morality aside, hundreds of the firm’s employees based at its HQ in Redhill, Surrey, have benefited from the learning and development element woven into every Splash Project, increasing efficiency in the workplace and a sense of wellbeing, which, combined, lead to enhanced performance in the workplace. 

Big Builds differ from traditional Splash Projects because our business partner is fully immersed in the process from the get-go and drives the direction of the project more than ever. A Big Build starts with the formation of a leadership team within SCUK which heads up the planning and delivery of the project. Early on, the team receives a briefing from our Project Director Colin Robertson, and charity representatives. This is their first taste of the enormity of the task and the enormity of its impact. 

Fifteenth anniversary project

For their fifteenth anniversary year the team chose Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee School, which supports children aged between two and 19 years old with severe, profound and multiple learning difficulties. 

Over seven days in July around 250 employees (35/day), who all put their hands up to volunteer, created a large nine-metre by four-metre outdoor classroom with an indoor section. outdoor classroom, a large canopy, a bike shed, small stage, sheltered seating for the memorial garden and a sensory fence for the children. 

Their project will have a massive impact on the whole school, which is at 200 per cent capacity and in desperate need of more space, and will enhance cognitive and physical development and playful exploration of every child. 

What the participants say… 

Gill Mungavin, outdoor classroom lead:

“I’d never used tools before I started coming to big Build; you get a sense of pride of doing something for other people and for your community, it’s just such an amazing feeling.” 

Andy Jones, outdoor classroom team member:

“It’s so rewarding knowing we’re providing facilities so they can really enjoy their time at school.” 

Grahm Firmin, classroom canopy team:

“The Big Build incorporates two of our company’s behaviours really well: act now and move together. The projects have become more and more ambitious every year, so every year you have to act decisively, but together, to solve problems and get things done.” 

Stephen Green, swing fence team:

“The Big Build is our most important project of the year in terms of CSR and supporting our community, where in a week you achieve something that will be around for years to come.” 

Martin Beckett, classroom canopy lead:

“We’re giving the school something they would otherwise not have, so everyone is having an impact.” 

Adam Goldhagen, stage build team:

“You get a sense of pride knowing that by working together you can achieve something far greater than you can individually. The Big Build is part of our culture and something we look forward to. Long may it continue.” 

What the school says… 

Helen Elphick, Head of QEII Silver Jubilee School:

“This was something we never could have achieved ourselves. Our children need as many different experiences as possible and this is going to make such a difference to our children and the experiences we’re able to give them here. 

“For a long time no one knew we even existed and we’ve worked really hard to get ourselves known in the community, and SCUK has made this absolute dream happen.” 

What Splash Projects says… 

Colin Robertson, Project Director for the Big Builds:

“Everyone who takes part volunteers; they all put themselves forward, and what they achieve each year for people in need in their local community really is immense.  

“The builds are always substantial, and they keep coming back wanting more challenging projects; the charities are always amazed at how much can be done in such a short space of time. 

“What they do, which is different from the majority of other projects we run, is take ownership over their project from the very start; they select their charity, always within a 45-mile radius of their office base to benefit their immediate community, and then stay connected with the charity for about six months all the way up until the build. 

“They drill the detail and they’re really committed. 

“The Big Build started off as a two or three-day project and it’s now been seven days for quite some time and there was a two-part project in England and Madrid last year too. 

“They never look for credit, and that is humbling to see.  

“They always push to go further every year and to keep it fresh and new, and as a result, they’re not only getting the best out of themselves but the Splash team too; our designers and guys on the ground are always challenged!”